Learning Analytics and Fairness: Do Existing Algorithms Serve Everyone Equally?


Bayer VaclavORCID,Hlosta MartinORCID,Fernandez MiriamORCID


Springer International Publishing

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1. Fairness in Predictive Learning Analytics: A Case Study in Online STEM Education;2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE);2023-10-18

2. Assessing the Fairness of Course Success Prediction Models in the Face of (Un)equal Demographic Group Distribution;Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale;2023-07-20

3. Learning analytics in support of inclusiveness and disabled students: a systematic review;Journal of Computing in Higher Education;2023-03-14

4. Promoting Ethical Uses in Artificial Intelligence Applied to Education;Lecture Notes in Computer Science;2023

5. A Review of Clustering Models in Educational Data Science Toward Fairness-Aware Learning;Educational Data Science: Essentials, Approaches, and Tendencies;2023








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