1. Bruin, F., Vondjijdis, A. (trans., ed.): The Books of Autolykos: On the moving sphere and on Risings and Settings. American University of Beirut, Beirut (1971)
2. Bulmer-Thomas, I.: Plato’s astronomy. The Class. Quart. New Ser. 34(1) (1984)
3. Clagett, M.: Greek Science in Antiquity. Reprinted in 1971 by arrangement with Abelard-Schumann, Ltd. (1955)
4. Farrington, B.: Greek Science, Its Meaning for Us. Penguin Books 1944, References to the 3rd edition by Spokesman (1980)
5. Heath, T.L.: Greek Astronomy. In: Baker, E. (ed.) J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., London and Toronto. E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc., New York (1932)