1. Gorman, W.M. (1959c). ‘The Demand for Fish: An Application of Factor Analysis’. Paper read to the Amsterdam meeting of the Econometric Society; Discussion Paper A.6, Faculty of Commerce and Social Science, Birmingham University, September.
2. Gorman, W.M. (1960b). ‘A Note on Hotelling’s Method of Extracting the Latent Roots and Vectors of a Matrix’. Discussion Paper A.12, Faculty of Commerce and Social Science, Birmingham University, September.
3. *Gorman, W.M. (1965). ‘Consumer Budgets and Price Indices’. Unpublished typescript.
4. *Gorman, W.M. (1970a). ‘Conditions for Generalised Additive Separability’. Discussion Paper No. 9, Department of Economics, London School of Economics, September.
5. *Gorman, W.M. (1970). ‘Quasi Separable Preferences, Costs and Technologies’. Paper read at Harvard University, November.