1. Keeling, C.D., “The concentrations and isotopic abundances of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,” Tellus, vol. 12, 1960.
2. The web site of Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has a world of information on CO2 and other radiatively active gases, as well as many other data of interest: http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/.
3. Siegenthaler, U., Friedli, H., Loetscher, H., Moore, E., Neftal, A., Oeschger, H., and Stauffer, B. “Stable-isotope ratios and concentrations of CO2 in air from polar ice cores,” Annals of Glaciology., vol. 10, pp. 1–6, 1988.
4. Fourier, J., “Memoire sur les Temperatures du Globe Terrestre,” Annals de Chimis est de Physique, vol. 27, pp. 136–167, 1824.
5. Tyndale, J., Philosophical Magazine, Journal of Science., vol. 22, pp. 169–194, 1861.