1. Panel discussion on the foundations of mathematics. In Fernando Ferreira, Reinhard Kahle, and Giovanni Sommaruga, editors, Axiomatic Thinking, volume 1: History and Philosophy, chapter 11. Springer, 2022. This book.
2. Evandro Agazzi. The semantic function of the axiomatic method. In Fernando Ferreira, Reinhard Kahle, and Giovanni Sommaruga, editors, Axiomatic Thinking, volume 1: History and Philosophy, chapter 4. Springer, 2022. This book.
3. John L. Bell. Reflections on the axiomatic approach to continuity. In Fernando Ferreira, Reinhard Kahle, and Giovanni Sommaruga, editors, Axiomatic Thinking, volume 2: Logic, Mathematics, and other Sciences, chapter 5. Springer, 2022. This book.
4. Paul Bernays. Hilberts Untersuchungen über die Grundlagen der Arithmetik. In David Hilbert: Gesammelte Abhandlungen, volume III, pages 196–216. Springer, 1935.
5. Paul Bernays. Hilbert, David. In P. Edwards, editor, Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 3, pages 496–504. Macmillan, 1967.