1. 3-A SSI (2018a) 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. www.1-a.org. Accessed Sept 2018
2. 3-A SSI (2018b) 3-A third party verification (TPV) program. http://www.2-a.org/TPV-Resources/Third-Party-Verification-Programs-and-Resources. Accessed Sept 2018
3. AMI (2014) American Meat Institute. Ten principles of sanitary design. https://www.meatinstitute.org/ht/a/GetDocumentAction/i/97261. Accessed Sept 2018
4. AMS (2001a) Agricultural marketing service/dairy division. USDA guidelines for the sanitary design and fabrication of dairy processing equipment. https://www.ams.usda.gov. Accessed Sept 2018
5. AMS (2001b) Regulations governing the certification of sanitary design and fabrication of equipment used in the processing of livestock and poultry products; final rule. Fed Register 66(4):1190–1204. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2001/01/05/01-95/regulations-governing-the-certification-of-sanitary-design-and-fabrication-of-equipment-used-in-the. Accessed Sept 2018