1. CXL: Wang Yangming 王陽明. Chuanxi lu 傳習錄 (Instructions for practical living). In Wing-tsit Chan, trans. 1963. Instructions for Practical Living [Chuanxi lu] and Other Neo-Confucian Writings by Wang Yangming. New York: Columbia University Press.
2. TJ: Yi Toegye 李退溪. 1985. Toegye jeonseo 退溪全書 (Complete works of Yi Toegye), enlarged edition. 5 vols. Seoul: Seonggyungwan University Press.
3. YJ: Yulgok 李栗谷. 1985. Yulgok jeoneso 栗谷全書 (Complete works of Yi Yulgok), 3 vols. Seoul: Seonggyungwan University Press.
4. ZZQS: Zhu Xi 朱熹. 1714. Zhuzi quanshu 朱子全書 (Complete works of Master Zhu Xi). 1714 edition.
5. ZZWJ: Zhu Xi 朱熹. 1930. Zhuzi wenji 朱子文集 (Collection of literary works by Master Zhu Xi).