1. African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 2005, ‘General Comment No. 2 on Article of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (2005).
2. Bernadette W Malunga, 2015, The Rule on Corroboration in sexual Offences and Women’s Access to Justice in Malawi 46 Zam. L.J, http://www.heinonline.org.
3. CEDAW Committee, 2017, General Recommendation No. 35 on Gender-based Violence Against Women, Updating General Recommendation No. 19 CEDAW/C/GC/35.
4. Christina Beninger, 2013, ‘Combating Sexual Violence in Schools in Sub-Saharan Africa: Legal Strategies Under Regional and International Human Rights Law’ 13 African Human Rights Law Journal.
5. Commissioner Asuagbor, Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Women in Africa on Combatting Sexual Violence and Its Consequences, http://www.peaceau.org/uploads/commissioner-asuagbor-on-combatting-sexual-violence-and-its-consequences.pdf.