1. V. Volterra, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. Paris 1907 24, 401 (1907)
2. J. Nye, Acta Met. 1, 153 (1953)
3. K. Kondo, in Memoirs of the Unifying Study of the Basic Problems in Engineering Science by Means of Geometry, vol. 1, ed. by K. Kondo (1955), pp. 5–17
4. B. Bilby, R. Bullough, E. Smith, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 231, 263 (1955)
5. E. Kröner, in Les Houches Summer School Proceedings, ed. by R. Balian, M. Kleman, J.P. Poirier (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1981)