The Switch to Distance Teaching and Learning in Finland During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020–2022) Went Technically Well but Was Emotionally Challenging


Salmela-Aro Katariina,Lavonen Jari


AbstractIn this chapter, we analyze and discuss teaching, learning and well-being in Finnish education during the COVID-19 pandemic between Spring 2020 and Fall 2022. First, we analyze the preconditions, such as teachers’ and students’ digital competences and the digital infrastructure necessary to switch to distance teaching and learning. Second, we present the results of a survey concerning the organization and experience of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Third, we discuss the engagement and well-being of teachers, principals and students during the pandemic based on survey data. During the pandemic, teachers developed digital pedagogy and students enhanced their digital competence, and several digital pedagogy and co-teaching innovations were created. However, we identified decreased engagement among students, teachers, and principals during the pandemic and an increase in stress and burnout among teachers and principals. Principals felt the impact of the stress their teachers faced, and teachers struggled to make up for the differing efforts among families to cope with distance learning. Overall, the switch to distance teaching and learning was organized effectively, but the distance-learning period weakened the equality of teaching and the conditions that encourage learning and well-being.


Springer Nature Switzerland

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