Diagnosing the Instructional Quality of Biology Lessons Based on Staged Videos: Developing DiKoBi, A Video-Based Simulation
Kramer Maria,Stürmer Julia,Förtsch Christian,Seidel Tina,Ufer Stefan,Fischer Martin R.,Neuhaus Birgit J.
AbstractIdentifying and interpreting challenging instructional situations is important for teacher performance in the classroom, thus also for instructional quality. This project examines classroom situations in which pre-service teachers diagnose effective teaching in terms of instructional quality in the context of biology lessons. The interdisciplinary collaboration combines expertise in research on teachers’ professional competence, video-based teaching, and computer-supported case-based learning in several contexts. The video-based simulation DiKoBi (German acronym for “diagnostic competences of biology teachers in biology classrooms”) was developed to investigate, measure, and foster pre-service teachers’ diagnostic skills concerning the instructional quality of biology lessons. Staged videos embedded in the video-based simulation DiKoBi show six different classroom situations, each focusing on one biology-specific instructional quality feature. Validity of the content and tasks in DiKoBi were examined in interviews using think-aloud protocols and expert-novice comparisons. In future research, intervention studies will be used to analyze the effects of knowledge acquisition and scaffolding during teachers’ diagnosing on their diagnostic skills concerning instructional quality.
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Springer International Publishing
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