Taming Large Bounds in Synthesis from Bounded-Liveness Specifications


Heim PhilippeORCID,Dimitrova Rayna


AbstractAutomatic synthesis from temporal logic specifications is an attractive alternative to manual system design, due to its ability to generate correct-by-construction implementations from high-level specifications. Due to the high complexity of the synthesis problem, significant research efforts have been directed at developing practically efficient approaches for restricted specification language fragments. In this paper we focus on the fragment of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) syntactically extended with bounded temporal operators. We propose a new synthesis approach with the primary motivation to solve efficiently the synthesis problem for specifications with bounded temporal operators, in particular those with large bounds. The experimental evaluation of our method shows that for this type of specifications it outperforms state-of-art synthesis tools, demonstrating that it is a promising approach to efficiently treating quantitative timing constraints in safety specifications.


Springer Nature Switzerland

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