1. D.Bjørner: "META-IV: A Formal Meta-Language for Abstract Software Specifications", Technical Report, No. ID670, Dept. of Comp.Sci., Techn.Univ.of Denmark, November 1976, 45 pages.
2. —: "Programming Languages: Formal Development of Interpreters and Compilers", European ACM International Computing Symposium, ICS/77, North-Holland Publ., Proceedings, pp. 1–21, April 1977.
3. — and C.B.Jones: "The Vienna Development Method: The Meta-language", Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.61, May 1978.
4. —: "Programming in the Meta-language, A Tutorial", in: [Bjørner 78a], pp. 24–217.
5. —: "Software Abstraction Principles: Tutorial Examples of An Operating System Command Language Specification and a PL/I-like ON-Condition Language Definition", in: [Bjørner 78a], pp. 337–374.