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4. Kuzuya T, Nakagawa S, Satoh J, Kanazawa Y, Iwamoto Y, Kobayashi M, Nanjo K, Sasaki A, Seino Y, Ito C, Shima K, Nonaka K, Kadowaki T. Report of the Committee on the classification and diagnostic criteria of diabetes mellitus. J Jpn Diabetes Soc (1999); 42:385–404. (in Japanese); This report appears in English; Diabetes Res Clin Pract. (2002); 55:65–85
5. Kadowaki T, Haneda M, Tominaga M, Yamada N, Iwamoto Y, Tajima N, Noda M, Seino Y, Kashiwagi A, Kuzuya H, Ito C, Nawata H, Yamauchi T. Report of the Japan Diabetes Society’s Committee on the diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus and glucose metabolism disorder―a new category of fasting plasma glucose values: “high-normal”. J Jpn Diabetes Soc. 2008;51:281–3. in Japanese.