1. For a review see e.g.: H. Satz (ed.): Statistical mechanics of quarks and hadrons. Proc. Int. Symp. Bielefeld 1980. Amsterdam: North Holland 1981
2. M. Jacob, H. Satz (eds.): Quark matter formation and heavy ion collisions. Proc. Workshop Bielefeld 1982. Singapore: World Scientific 1982
3. M. Jacob, J. Tran Thanh Van: Phys. Rep.88, 331 (1982)
4. G. Bertsch, C.K. Gelbke, D.K. Scott: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Michigan State University. Nucl. Phys.A400, (1983)
5. K. Kajantie, H.J. Mietinen: Z. Phys. C?Particle and Fields9, 341 (1981); G. Domokos, J.J. Goldman: Phys. Rev.D23, 203 (1981); K. Kajantie, H.J. Mietinen: Z. Phys. C?Particles and Fields14, 357 (1982)