1. S. Drell:Rev. Mod. Phys.,33, 458 (1961);E. Ferrari andF. Selleri:Suppl. Nuovo Cimento, in press.
2. I. M. Dremin andD. S. Cherniavski:Zurn. ėkp. Teor. Fiz.,40, 1333 (1961). Cf., also,V. B. Berestetski and I.Ya. Pomeranchuk:Proc. of the 1960 Conference on High-Energy Physics, p. 333;V. N. Gribov: ibid., p. 340.
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4. Phys. Lett.,1, 29 (1962).C. Goebel:Proc. of Int. Conf. on Theor. Aspects of Very-High Energy Phenomena (CERN, 1961), p. 353;V. B. Berestetski andI. Ya. Pomeranchuk:Nucl. Phys.,22, 629 (1961).
5. T. Regge:Nuovo Cimento,14, 951 (1959);18, 947 (1960).