1. S. Abiteboul & P. C. Kanellakis, “Object identity as a query language primitive,” in Proceedings of ACM-SIGMOD 1989 International Conference on Management of Data, Portland, OR, May 31–June 2, 1989, J. Clifford, B. Lindsay & D. Maier, eds., ACM Press, New York, NY, 1989, 159–173, (also appeared as SIGMOD RECORD, 18, 2, June, 1989).
2. S. Abiteboul, “Towards a deductive object-oriented database language,” Data & Knowledge Engineering 5 (1990), 263–287.
3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 303;S. Abiteboul,1988
4. Lecture Notes in Computer Science # 504;H. Aït-Kaci,1991
5. R. Bal, “DataTypeLog a deductive object-oriented query language,” University of Twente, Technical Report INF92-79, Enschede, 1992.