1. B. Bouchon: On the forms of reasoning in expert systems; in Approximate reasoning in expert systems, M.M. Gupta, A. Kandel, W. Bandler, J.B. Kiozka (eds), North Holland, 1985, pp. 341–354.
2. B. Bouchon: On the management of uncertainty in knowledge-based systems, in Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, A.G. Holzman, A. Kent and J.G. Williams (eds), Marcel Dekker (pub.), 1987.
3. B. Bouchon: Inferences with imprecisions and uncertainties in expert systems, in Fuzzy Expert Systems, A. Kandel (ed.), Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1987.
4. B. Bouchon: Linguistic variables in the knowledge base of an expert system, Seventh International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, London, 1987.
5. B. Bouchon: Modificateurs de variables linguistiques compatibles avec une logique floue, Journées Orléanaises sur la Gestion d'Incertitudes dans les Systèmes Décisionnels, Orléans, 1987.