1. In accordance with the theme of this article, I quoted from many studies. Due to the lack of specific studies about the extent of the phenomenon in India, I relied also on materials about the Western scenario, which had the benefit of stressing unexpected similarities and dissimilarities.
2. Bartels, H. (2009). Die Piratenpartei. Entstehung, Forderungen und Perspektiven der Bewegung. Reihe Netzbürger 1. Berlin: Contumax.
3. Berti, M. (2013). Collecting quotations by topic: degrees of preservation and transtextual relations among genres. Ancient Society, 4, 269–288.
4. Bronkhorst, J. (1986). tantra and prasaṅga. Aligarh Journal of Oriental Studies, III(2), 77–80.
5. Büchler, M., Geßner, A., Berti, M., & Eckart, T. (2013). Measuring the influence of a work by text re-use. In S. Dunn & S. Mahony (Eds.), The digital classicist. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 122 (pp. 63–79).