1. V. F. Zackay, E. R. Parker, D. Fahr, and R. Busch:Trans. ASM, 1967, vol.60 p. 252.
2. Dj. Drobnjak and J. Parr Gordon:Met. Trans., 1970, vol. 1, pp. 759–65.
3. C. H. White and R. W. K. Honeycombe:J. Iron Steel Inst., 1962, vol. 200, p. 457.
4. G. Thomas, D. Schmatz, and W. W. Gerberich:High Strength Materials, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1965, p. 251.
5. L. Raymond, W. W. Gerberich, and C. F. Martin:J. Iron Steel Inst., 1965, vol. 203, p. 933.