1. Almaty Technological University
In production, various methods are used to control the quality of manufactured products due to physical and chemical effects. In recent years, the principle of the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been increasingly used in the management and control of technological processes in food production. This paper examines the possibility of using the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance for the purpose of automated control of milk quality by a magnetic field. By studying the isotopes of the NMR spectra of the specified product, it is possible to determine whether the product is natural or artificial, that is, its cost and quality. This work also provides a block diagram of the technological process and explains the expressions for receiving NMR signals and processing them with the creation of a magnetic field using electromagnets in an automated control system. This method allows not only to control the process, but also to determine the physical properties of milk and dairy products, contributing to changes in quality. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the optimal value of the generated magnetic field with very high accuracy.
Kazakh-British Technical University
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