1. Customs and Tax Service. The National School of Revenue Administration (Poland)
This study attempts to examine the following phenomena: translator's experience and linguistic competence (their hierarchy) in the process of translating specialist texts in the field of tariff law as well as the equivalence of translations in the above-mentioned subject matter. It was examined whether translators unfamiliar with the terminology of tariff law (without experience) make the right choice of equivalents used in both languages, and whether the increase in language competences of students of English philology with a specialization in applied translation affects the quality of translation of specialist texts and compensates for the lack of the above-mentioned experience. As expected, the terminology of the tariff law is a challenge for the translator. Only thanks to the combination of excellent knowledge of the specialized language with excellent knowledge of the source and target language, it was possible to achieve a high degree of equivalence of specialist texts in the field of tariff law. Finally, the increase in the language competences of students to some extent compensated for the lack of experience in tariff law.
Panstwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Chelmie
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