Psychological resources of service loyalty in the prevention of disciplinary violations by employees of internal affairs bodies


Sarsenova Asel1ORCID,Goncharova Natal'ya2ORCID


1. Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

2. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia


Introduction. The article deals with the significance of service loyalty as a promising psychological resource that can be used in the prevention of disciplinary violations among employees of internal affairs bodies. Loyalty as a structural component of personal reliability of employees is a significant characteristic of personality of dynamic nature, which enables to ensure its formation and development in professional activity. Research methods. General scientific methods of theoretical analysis, empirical methods, methods of psychological practice (training), psychodiagnostic techniques were used in the research: Questionnaire of J. Meyer and N. Allen “Organisational Commitment Scale”, S.S. Baranskaya's Method of measuring loyalty, V.I. Dominyak's Method “The possibility of realising motives”, L.A. Yasyukova’s test “Legal Consciousness”. Mathematical processing of the results included methods of descriptive, comparative and factor analysis using the statistical package “SPSS Statisticsver. 22.0” with the Mann-Whitney U-criterion. Results. The possibilities of service loyalty as a personal resource for solving the challenges of disciplinary violations among employees of internal affairs bodies were determined. The peculiarities of loyalty of employees having disciplinary sanctions reflecting low level of affective, continued and normative loyalty, work loyalty, assessment of possibilities of realisation of motives were established. The factor structure of loyalty is revealed, where the values of professional activity, loyalty to profession, psychological well-being and social acceptance, work and professional community loyalty, satisfaction with activity and organisational culture are considered the leading ones. The results of psychological training aimed at the formation and development of loyalty were analysed. Statistically reliable, significant shifts (p ≤ 0.05) in the loyalty indicators of employees who participated in the psychocorrectional work were identified, proving the possibility of changing the loyal attitude of employees.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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