1 Reconstructive surgery after female genital mutilation
来源:LANCET( P 0140-6736 E 1474-547X ) 发表时间: 2012/10
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:9048.942442
2 MUC5B Promoter Polymorphism and Pulmonary Fibrosis
来源:NEW ENGL J MED( P 0028-4793 E ) 发表时间: 2011/07
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3 Vitamin D: a novel therapeutic approach for keloid, an in vitro analysis
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4 Use of Stem Cells for Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
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5 Troglitazone suppresses transforming growth factor-beta 1-induced collagen type I expression in kelo..
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6 Role of caveolin-1 in the pathogenesis of tissue fibrosis by keloid-derived fibroblasts in vitro
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7 Organ transplantation in China: concerns remain
来源:LANCET( P 0140-6736 E 1474-547X ) 发表时间: 2015/03
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8 Stem cells in age-related macular degeneration and Stargardt's macular dystrophy
来源:LANCET( P 0140-6736 E 1474-547X ) 发表时间: 2015/07
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9 Allogeneic fibroblasts and keratinocytes for venous leg ulcers
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10 Worldwide research productivity in the field of rheumatology from 1996 to 2010: a bibliometric analy..
来源:RHEUMATOLOGY( P 1462-0324 E 1462-0332 ) 发表时间: 2013/09
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