1 An update on the roles of circular RNAs in osteosarcoma
来源:CELL PROLIFERAT( P 0960-7722 E 1365-2184 ) 发表时间: 2021/01
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:4947.887930
2 Emerging roles of long non-coding RNAs in neuropathic pain
来源:CELL PROLIFERAT( P 0960-7722 E 1365-2184 ) 发表时间: 2019/01
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:4085.762930
3 Circular RNAs in nucleus pulposus cell function and intervertebral disc degeneration
来源:CELL PROLIFERAT( P 0960-7722 E 1365-2184 ) 发表时间: 2019/11
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:4051.518475
4 Topical use of tranexamic acid can effectively decrease hidden blood loss during posterior lumbar sp..
来源:MEDICINE( P 0025-7974 E 1536-5964 ) 发表时间: 2017/10
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:3091.288036
5 A randomized controlled trial on the effects of collagen sponge and topical tranexamic acid in poste..
来源:J ORTHOP SURG RES( P 1749-799X E ) 发表时间: 2017/11
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:2342.381227
6 Efficacy and Safety of Topical Use of Tranexamic Acid in Reducing Blood Loss During Primary Lumbar S..
来源:SPINE( P 0362-2436 E 1528-1159 ) 发表时间: 2017/12
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:2307.710726
7 Tranexamic acid reduce hidden blood loss in posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) surgery
来源:MEDICINE( P 0025-7974 E 1536-5964 ) 发表时间: 2020/03
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:2252.827506
8 Long non-coding RNAs in nucleus pulposus cell function and intervertebral disc degeneration
来源:CELL PROLIFERAT( P 0960-7722 E 1365-2184 ) 发表时间: 2018/10
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:2219.889783
9 The further exploration of hidden blood loss in posterior lumbar fusion surgery
来源:ORTHOP TRAUMATOL-SUR( P 1877-0568 E ) 发表时间: 2017/06
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:2130.589624
10 Risk factors for predicting complications associated with growing rod surgery for early-onset scolio..
来源:CLIN NEUROL NEUROSUR( P 0303-8467 E 1872-6968 ) 发表时间: 2015/09
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:1592.490363