1 Endolymphatic Hydrops Detected by 3-Dimensional Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery MRI following In..
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2 ATP-containing vesicles in stria vascular marginal cell cytoplasms in neonatal rat cochlea are lysos..
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3 Autophagy precedes apoptosis during degeneration of the Kolliker's organ in the development of r..
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4 Developmental expression of inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate receptor in the post-natal rat cochlea
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5 The pharmacokinetic profiles of dexamethasone and methylprednisolone concentration in perilymph and ..
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6 Possible function of outward potassium currents in isolated Deiters' cells of guinea pig cochlea
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7 Preferentially regulated expression of connexin 43 in the developing spiral ganglion neurons and aff..
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8 Restudy of malformations of the internal auditory meatus, cochlear nerve canal and cochlear nerve
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9 Differential expression of ryanodine receptor in the developing rat cochlea
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10 Current status on researches of Meniere's disease: a review
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