1 Test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability of the Modified Tardieu Scale and the Modified A..
来源:EUR J PHYS REHAB MED( P 1973-9087 E 1973-9095 ) 发表时间: 2014/02
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2 Efficiency of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation on Hemiplegi..
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3 reliability of a new scale for measurement of spasticity in stroke patients
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4 Electromyographical characteristics and muscle utilization in hemiplegic patients during sit-to-stan..
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5 Demonstration of posturographic parameters of squat-stand activity in hemiparetic patients on a new ..
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6 The plasticity of the corticospinal tract in children with obstetric brachial plexus palsy after Bot..
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7 Influence of positional changes on spasticity of the upper extremity in poststroke hemiplegic patien..
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8 Painful tonic spasm in Chinese patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: Prevalence, sub..
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9 Long-term radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy for neurogenic heterotopic ossification after spi..
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10 Soleus H-Reflex Change in Poststroke Spasticity: Modulation due to Body Position
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