1 MicroRNA-21 regulates intestinal epithelial tight junction permeability
来源:CELL BIOCHEM FUNCT( P 0263-6484 E 1099-0844 ) 发表时间: 2015/06
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2 Overexpression of CXCR7 promotes mesenchymal stem cells to repair phosgene-induced acute lung injury..
来源:BIOMED PHARMACOTHER( P 0753-3322 E 1950-6007 ) 发表时间: 2019/01
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3 Human serum albumin attenuates global cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced brain injury in a Wnt/be..
来源:BIOMED PHARMACOTHER( P 0753-3322 E 1950-6007 ) 发表时间: 2019/07
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4 Scoring systems used to predict mortality in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in ..
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5 Effect of ulinastatin on the permeability of the blood-brain barrier on rats with global cerebral is..
来源:BIOMED PHARMACOTHER( P 0753-3322 E 1950-6007 ) 发表时间: 2017/01
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6 Serological biomarkers for acute mesenteric ischemia
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7 MicroRNA-21 is upregulated during intestinal barrier dysfunction induced by ischemia reperfusion
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8 Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the permeability of the blood-brain barrier in rats with global cereb..
来源:BIOMED PHARMACOTHER( P 0753-3322 E 1950-6007 ) 发表时间: 2018/12
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9 Association of plasma diamine oxidase and intestinal fatty acid-binding protein with severity of dis..
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10 Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuate phosgene-induced acute lung injury in rats
来源:INHAL TOXICOL( P 0895-8378 E 1091-7691 ) 发表时间: 2015/04
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