导师姓名: 刘宁飞 专业代码: 100210 性别: 女 专业名称: 外科学 培养单位: 第九人民医院 三级学科/专业领域: 整形 导师类型: 博士生导师 专业学位导师: 兼 学术论文 (#为通讯作者,*为共同第一作者) 1、ZX Yan ZH Jiang Ningfei Liu. Angiopoietin-2 promotes inflammatory lymphangiogenesis and its effect can be blocked by the specific inhibitor L1-10. AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology,2012;302(1):H215-H223.2、X. Wu, SM Zhuo, NF.Liu#. Real-time in vivo imaging collagen in lymphedematous skin using multiphoton microscopy. Scanning,2011; 33 (6) :463–4673、 Xiufeng Wu, Zheyuan Yu, Ningfei Liu#. Comparison of approaches for microscopic imaging of skin lymphatic vesselsmicroscopy. Scanning,2011; 33(1) : 1-74、Xiufeng Wu Ningfei Liu. Foxc2 transcription factor: a novel regulator of lymphangiogenesi.Lymphology,2011;44(1):35-415、刘宁飞#,严志新. 核素淋巴造影和动态磁共振淋巴造影诊断肢体淋巴水肿的比较研究. 中华整形外科杂志,2011;27:241-2456、严志新,刘宁飞#. 炎性淋巴管生长的研究进展. 中华整形外科杂志,2011;27(5):394-3987、Liu NF#, Lu q, Liu PA, Wu XF, Wang BS. Comparison of radionuclide lymphoscintigraphy and dynamic magnetic resonance lymphangiography for investigating extremity lymphoedema . British Journal of Surgery,2010;97:359-3658、 Lu q, Wu BR, Liu NF#. Chronic lower extremity lymphedema:a comparative study of high-resolution interstitial MR lymphangiography and heavily T2-weighted MRI. European Journal of Radiology,2010;73 (1) : 365 -3739、XF. Wu, NF. Liu#. The role of Ang2/Tie signaling in lymphangiogenesis . Lymphology,2010;, 43:59-7210、Jiang ZH,Hu XQ,Liu NF#. Harvesting and cryopreservation of lymphatic endothelial cells for lymphatic tissue engineering. Cryobiology,2010;60:177–18311、Ningfei Liu Qing Lu#, Zhixin Yan. Lymphatic malformation is a common component of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. Journal of vascular surgery,2010;52:1557-156312、刘宁飞#,路青,蒋朝华. 动态MR淋巴造影诊断肢体淋巴水肿. 中华整形外科杂志,2010;26:135-14013、XF. Wu, NF. Liu#. The role of Ang2/Tie signaling in lymphangiogenesis . Lymphology,2010; 43:59-7214、蒋朝华,胡学庆,刘宁飞#. 人真皮来源淋巴管内皮细胞的流式细胞仪分选和生物学特点. 组织工程与修复重建外科杂志, 2009;5:267-27115、蒋朝华,路青,胡学庆,刘宁飞#. 高分辨率磁共振淋巴管造影评价兔肢体淋巴水肿淋巴管功能. 中华实验外科杂志, 2009;3:303 - 30516、 NF Liu#, Q Lu, ZH Jiang . Anatomic and functional evaluation of lymphatics and lymph nodes in diagnosis of lymphatic circulation disorders with contrast magnetic resonance lymphangiography. Journal of Vascular Surgery.,2009;49:980-98717、Liu NF#,LU q, Zhou JG. Magnetic resonance imaging as a new method to diagnose protein losing enteropathy.Lymphology,2008;41:111-11518、胡学庆,蒋朝华,刘宁飞#. VEGF-C局部注射治疗阻塞性淋巴水肿的实验研究. 中华整形杂志, 2008;24:207-21119、Liu NF#. Lymphedema in China - Experiences and prospectsenteropathy. Lymphology,2007;40:153-15620、胡学庆,蒋朝华,刘宁飞#. 人真皮来源微淋巴管内皮细胞的分离培养和鉴定. 中华实验外科杂志科, 2007; 24 (3):336-338.21、蒋朝华,胡学庆,刘宁飞#. 人真皮淋巴管内皮细胞分离及冷冻保存技术. 上海交通大学学报医学版, 2007;27(9):1092-109522、蒋朝华,刘宁飞#. 血管生成素-2在淋巴管新生中的调节作用. 组织工程与修复重建外科杂志, 2007;3(1):237-23923、Hu XQ, Jiang ZH,Liu NF#. .A novel approach for harvesting human lymphatic endothelial cells from human foreskin dermis.. Lymphatic Research & Biology,2006;4:191-19824、胡学庆,刘宁飞#,曹谊林. .淋巴管新生机制及其调节的研究进展. 中华外科杂志, 2006;44(2):114-117.25、Liu NF#,Wang CG. Noncontrast three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging vs lymphoscintigraphy in the evaluation of lymph circulation di . Journal of Vascular Surgery,2005;41: 69-7526、Liu NF#. .Reply “Regarding “Noncontrast three-dimensioanl magnetic resonance imaging vs lymphoscintigraphy in the evaluation of lymph circulation disoeders: A comparative study”. Journal of Vascular Surgery,2005; 42: 821-822