1 Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Agonist Treatment to Increase Final Stature in Children With Precocio..
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2 The epigenetic role of HTR1A antagonist in facilitating GnRH expression for pubertal initiation cont..
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3 DNA methylation of METTL7A gene body regulates its transcriptional level in thyroid cancer
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4 Enhanced at Puberty-1 (Eap1) Expression Critically Regulates the Onset of Puberty Independent of Hyp..
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5 Urinary Metabolite Markers of Precocious Puberty
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6 Cardiovascular risk factors in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
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7 Expression of EAP1 and CUX1 in the hypothalamus of female rats and relationship with KISS1 and GnRH
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8 Impact of changes in postnatal nutrition on puberty onset and the expression of hypothalamic GnRH an..
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9 Clinical, hormonal and genetic characteristics of androgen insensitivity syndrome in 39 Chinese pati..
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10 Clinical characteristics, AR gene variants, and functional domains in 64 patients with androgen inse..
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