

Xue, Jiao 北京大学被知名学者引用:104人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Mandl, Kenneth D. 美国 Harvard University 2021美国医学院院士 Nonlinear Analysis of Visually Normal EEGs to Differentiate Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centrotem..

2. Mustafa,Sahin 美国 Harvard University 2023美国医学院院士 Visual and semi-automatic non-invasive detection of interictal fast ripples: A potential biomarker o..

3. 詹华强 中国 香港科技大学 Aflatoxin B1-induced liver pyroptosis is mediated by disturbing the gut microbial metabolites: The r..

4. Cheng, Jianlin 美国 University of Missouri Biochemical, structural, and computational analyses of two new clinically identified missense mutati..

5. Tanner, John J. 美国 University of Missouri Biochemical, structural, and computational analyses of two new clinically identified missense mutati..

6. Ruecker, Gerta 德国 University of Freiburg Efficacy and safety of corticosteroids and ACTH in epileptic syndromes beyond Infantile Epileptic Sp..

7. Joerg S,Hartig 德国 University of Konstanz Guanidine production by plant homoarginine-6-hydroxylases

8. 罗永康 中国 中国农业大学 Recent advances on characterization of protein oxidation in aquatic products: A comprehensive review

9. Johannes,Sarnthein 瑞士 University of ZURICH Scalp high-frequency oscillations differentiate neonates with seizures from healthy neonates

10. Sander M,Houten 美国 ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI Maintenance of cellular vitamin B6 levels and mitochondrial oxidative function depend on pyridoxal 5..

11. Hans R,Waterham 荷兰 University of Amsterdam Maintenance of cellular vitamin B6 levels and mitochondrial oxidative function depend on pyridoxal 5..

12. Wanders, Ronald J. A. 荷兰 University of AMSTERDAM Maintenance of cellular vitamin B6 levels and mitochondrial oxidative function depend on pyridoxal 5..

13. Arnold,Munnich 法国 University of PARIS 05 A non-coding variant in the Kozak sequence of RARS2 strongly decreases protein levels and cau..

14. Thomas,Voets 比利时 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven(KU Leuven) Primidone improves symptoms in TRPM3-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy with s..

15. Joris,Vriens 比利时 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven(KU Leuven) Primidone improves symptoms in TRPM3-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy with s..

16. Mark J,Cook 澳大利亚 University of Melbourne Prognostic interictal electroencephalographic biomarkers and models to assess antiseizure medication..

17. Taroh,Kinoshita 日本 Osaka University Case report: Functional analysis of the p.Arg507Trp variant of the PIGT gene supporting the m..

18. Thomas O,Carpenter 美国 Yale University Excluding Digenic Inheritance of PGAP2 and PGAP3 Variants in Mabry Syndrome (OMIM 2393..

19. Jacobs, Julia 加拿大 University of Calgary Epileptic high-frequency oscillations occur in neonates with a high risk for seizures

20. Taroh,Kinoshita 日本 Osaka University Biallelic variants in PIGN cause Fryns syndrome, multiple congenital anomalies-hypotonia-seiz..








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