

Marina S,Ferguson University of WASHINGTON被知名学者引用:966人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 郑海荣 中国 中国科学院 2023中国科学院院士 Automated morphologic analysis of intracranial and extracranial arteries using convolutional neural ..

2. 郑海荣 中国 中国科学院 2023中国科学院院士 One-Stop MR Neurovascular Vessel Wall Imaging With a 48-Channel Coil System at 3 T

3. Elisa E,Konofagou 美国 Columbia University 2021美国医学院院士 Arterial wall mechanical inhomogeneity detection and atherosclerotic plaque characterization using h..

4. Elisa E,Konofagou 美国 Columbia University 2021美国医学院院士 Adaptive Pulse Wave Imaging: Automated Spatial Vessel Wall Inhomogeneity Detection in Phantoms and i..

5. 郑南宁 中国 西安交通大学 中国工程院院士 Deep morphology aided diagnosis network for segmentation of carotid artery vessel wall and diagnosis..

6. 郑海荣 中国 中国科学院 2023中国科学院院士 Reproducibility of simultaneous imaging of intracranial and extracranial arterial vessel walls using..

7. Elisa E,Konofagou 美国 Columbia University 2021美国医学院院士 Imaging of pulse wave propagation coupled with vector flow and wall shear stress mapping in atherosc..

8. Elazer R. Edelman 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2006美国医学院院士;2012美国工程院院士 Position Paper Computational Cardiology

9. Krestin, Gabriel P. 荷兰 Erasmus University Rotterdam 2017美国医学院院士 Carotid Plaque Morphology and Ischemic Vascular Brain Disease on MRI

10. 贾伟平 中国 上海交通大学医学院 2021中国工程院院士 The coexistence of carotid and lower extremity atherosclerosis further increases cardio-cerebrovascu..

11. Reiser, Maximilian F. 德国 University of Munich 2009美国医学院院士 Expansive arterial remodeling of the carotid arteries and its effect on atherosclerotic plaque compo..

12. Elisa E,Konofagou 美国 Columbia University 2021美国医学院院士 Piecewise Pulse Wave Imaging (pPWI) for Detection and Monitoring of Focal Vascular Disease in Murine..

13. 滕皋军 中国 东南大学 2021中国科学院院士 LOX-1-Targeted Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Detect Early Diabetic Nephropathy in db/db Mice

14. Steven A. Goldstein 美国 University of Michigan 2005美国工程院院士 Multimodality Imaging of Diseases of the Thoracic Aorta in Adults: From the American Society of Echo..

15. Harry Dietz 美国 Johns Hopkins University 2008美国医学院院士;2011美国科学院院士 Multimodality Imaging of Diseases of the Thoracic Aorta in Adults: From the American Society of Echo..

16. Kibbe, Melina R. 美国 University of Virginia School of Medicine 2016美国医学院院士 High-risk plaque in the superficial femoral artery of people with peripheral artery disease: Prevale..

17. Reiser, Maximilian F. 德国 University of Munich 2009美国医学院院士 Computed tomography angiography vs 3 T black-blood cardiovascular magnetic resonance for identificat..

18. 滕皋军 中国 东南大学 2021中国科学院院士 In vivo MRI detection of carotid atherosclerotic lesions and kidney inflammation in ApoE-deficient m..

19. Reiser, Maximilian F. 德国 University of Munich 2009美国医学院院士 Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the Predictive Value of Carotid Plaque Hemorrhage on Cerebrov..

20. Reiser, Maximilian F. 德国 University of Munich 2009美国医学院院士 Translation of Atherosclerotic Plaque Phase-Contrast CT Imaging from Synchrotron Radiation to a Conv..








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