

Zhang, Pei 浙江大学被知名学者引用:59人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Carlo Maria,Croce 美国 OHIO STATE University 1996美国科学院院士 Frontiers of MicroRNA Signature in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

2. 王俊 中国 北京大学 中国工程院院士 Comparative study on preoperative localization techniques using microcoil and hookwire by propensity..

3. 魏于全 中国 四川大学 中国科学院院士 Targeting PI3K in cancer: mechanisms and advances in clinical trials

4. 戴琼海 中国 清华大学 院士 中国工程院院士 RBMMMDA: predicting multiple types of disease-microRNA associations

5. Andersen, Monica Levy 巴西 University of Federal Sao Paulo The impact on the quality of life and sleep complaints in a vitiligo sample and the influence of inf..

6. Sergio,Tufik 巴西 University of Federal Sao Paulo The impact on the quality of life and sleep complaints in a vitiligo sample and the influence of inf..

7. Taraboletti, Giulia 意大利 Mario Negri Institute Pharmacol Research IRCCS Thrombospondin-1 in drug activity and tumor response to therapies

8. David D,Roberts 美国 National Cancer Institute Emerging functions of thrombospondin-1 in immunity

9. 田捷 中国 北京航空航天大学 教授 Efficacy of Near-Infrared Fluorescence Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Small Pulmonary Nodu..

10. HAMID, Qutayba 加拿大 MCGILL University Continuous positive airway pressure therapy suppresses inflammatory cytokines and improves glucocort..

11. Md. Imtaiyaz,Hassan 印度 Center Interdisciplinary Research Basic Science Bax/Bcl-2 Cascade Is Regulated by the EGFR Pathway: Therapeutic Targeting of Non-Small Cell Lung Can..

12. Soubani, Ayman O. 美国 Wayne State University Major pulmonary complications following Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: What the pulmonolog..

13. Gautam,Sethi 新加坡 National University of Singapore Deguelin targets multiple oncogenic signaling pathways to combat human malignancies

14. Bishayee, Anupam 美国 LAKE ERIE College OSTEOPATH Medicine Deguelin targets multiple oncogenic signaling pathways to combat human malignancies

15. Dafna,Yahav 以色列 BEILINSON Medicine Center How do I manage nocardiosis?

16. Behzad,Baradaran 伊朗 Tabriz University of Medical Science The role of miR-34 in cancer drug resistance

17. Cho, William Chi Shing 中国 香港大学 The role of miR-34 in cancer drug resistance

18. Christian,Bailly 法国 Pierre Fabre Recherche et Developpement Combined cytotoxic chemotherapy and immunotherapy of cancer: modern times

19. Bruno,Quesnel 法国 Universite de Lille 2 Combined cytotoxic chemotherapy and immunotherapy of cancer: modern times

20. 施金元 中国 国立台湾大学 Association between programmed death-ligand 1 expression, immune microenvironments, and clinical out..








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