

Xing, Fei 郑州大学被知名学者引用:23人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. William V,Giannobile 美国 University of Michigan Characterization of oral biomarkers during early healing at augmented dental implant sites

2. Tao, Yuan-Xiang 美国 Rutgers University Contribution of activating lateral hypothalamus-lateral habenula circuit to nerve trauma-induced neu..

3. Avadhesha,Surolia 印度 Indian Institute Science TLR4 activation by lysozyme induces pain without inflammation

4. Benhamou, Dan 法国 UNIVERSITE PARIS SACLAY Bupivacaine inhibits the TLR4-and TLR2-Myd88/NF-κB pathways in human leukocytes

5. Naoki,Mochizuki 日本 Research Institute Proper migration of lymphatic endothelial cells requires survival and guidance cues from arterial mu..

6. Christer,Betsholtz 瑞典 Uppsala University Proper migration of lymphatic endothelial cells requires survival and guidance cues from arterial mu..

7. Schulte-Merker, Stefan 德国 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Proper migration of lymphatic endothelial cells requires survival and guidance cues from arterial mu..

8. Nathan D,Lawson 美国 University of Massachusetts Proper migration of lymphatic endothelial cells requires survival and guidance cues from arterial mu..

9. Huan,Yang 美国 North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System Neurons Are a Primary Driver of Inflammation via Release of HMGB1

10. Ulf,Andersson 瑞典 Karolinska Institute Neurons Are a Primary Driver of Inflammation via Release of HMGB1

11. Michael,Brines 美国 Araim Pharmaceut Neurons Are a Primary Driver of Inflammation via Release of HMGB1

12. 朱长连 中国 郑州大学 主任医师 The different mechanisms of peripheral and central TLR4 on chronic postsurgical pain in rats

13. 高永静 中国 南通大学 TLR8 in the Trigeminal Ganglion Contributes to the Maintenance of Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain in Mic..

14. Steven F,Maier 美国 University of Colorado Toll -like receptor 2 and 4 antagonism for the treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyeliti..

15. Kenner C,Rice 美国 National Institute on Drug Abuse Toll -like receptor 2 and 4 antagonism for the treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyeliti..

16. Anne-Marie,Van Dam 荷兰 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Toll -like receptor 2 and 4 antagonism for the treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyeliti..

17. Linda R,Watkins 美国 University of Colorado Toll -like receptor 2 and 4 antagonism for the treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyeliti..

18. Atsufumi,Kawabata 日本 Kinki University Role of high-mobility group box 1 and its modulation by thrombomodulin/thrombin axis in neuropathic ..

19. Tao, Yuan-Xiang 美国 Rutgers University Chronic morphine-mediated upregulation of high mobility group box 1 in the spinal cord contributes t..

20. 杨惠林 中国 苏州大学 主任医师 CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling contributes to neuropathic pain via central sensitization mechanisms in a rat..








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