

Boris A,Gutman University of Southern California被知名学者引用:6279人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Roscoe O,Brady 美国 Harvard University 1975美国科学院院士 ;1982拉斯克奖 Do neurobiological differences exist between paranoid and non-paranoid schizophrenia? Findings from ..

2. Ritchie, Marylyn D. 美国 University of Pennsylvania 2021美国医学院院士 Interpretable deep clustering survival machines for Alzheimer's disease subtype discovery

3. Celso,Arango 西班牙 University of COMPLUTENSE 2023美国医学院院士 Accelerated Cortical Thinning in Schizophrenia Is Associated With Rare and Common Predisposing Varia..

4. Olivier Pourquie 美国 Harvard University 2020美国科学院院士 The universe is asymmetric, the mouse brain too

5. Inouye, Sharon K. 美国 Harvard Medical School 2011美国医学院院士 Relationship between cortical brain atrophy, delirium, and long-term cognitive decline in older surg..

6. Ressler, Kerry J. 美国 McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School 2012美国医学院院士 Cortical similarities in psychiatric and mood disorders identified in federated VBM analysis via COI..

7. Bruner, Deborah W. 美国 Emory University 2016美国医学院院士 Impact of Apolipoprotein E Genotype on Neurocognitive Function in Patients With Brain Metastases: An..

8. Carpenter, William T. 美国 University of Maryland at Baltimore School of Medicine 1998美国医学院院士 Psychosis superspectrum II: neurobiology, treatment, and implications

9. Murray, Robin M. 英国 University of London 2003美国医学院院士 MIR137 polygenic risk for schizophrenia and ephrin-regulated pathway: Role in lateral ventricles and..

10. Aviv,Regev 美国 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2020美国医学院院士;2019美国科学院院士 Cell subtype-specific effects of genetic variation in the Alzheimer's disease brain

11. Ritchie, Marylyn D. 美国 University of Pennsylvania 2021美国医学院院士 The genetic architecture of multimodal human brain age

12. Tsuang, Ming T. 美国 University of California, San Diego 1994美国医学院院士 A polygenic resilience score moderates the genetic risk for schizophrenia: Replication in 18,090 cas..

13. 杨焕明 中国 中国科学院 中国科学院院士;2014美国科学院院士 Towards interpretable imaging genomics analysis: Methodological developments and applications

14. Celso,Arango 西班牙 University of COMPLUTENSE 2023美国医学院院士 Mapping gray and white matter volume abnormalities in early-onset psychosis: an ENIGMA multicenter v..

15. Gur, Raquel E. 美国 University of Pennsylvania Medical Center 2001美国医学院院士 Source-based morphometry reveals structural brain pattern abnormalities in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

16. Weissman, Myrna M. 美国 Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons 1996美国医学院院士 Dentate Gyrus Microstructure Is Associated With Resilience After Exposure to Maternal Stress Across ..

17. 宋红军 美国 University of Pennsylvania 2020美国医学院院士 Genetics of human brain development

18. Ming, Guo-li 美国 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 2019美国医学院院士 Genetics of human brain development

19. Gur, Raquel E. 美国 University of Pennsylvania Medical Center 2001美国医学院院士 Genomic loci influence patterns of structural covariance in the human brain

20. Ritchie, Marylyn D. 美国 University of Pennsylvania 2021美国医学院院士 Genomic loci influence patterns of structural covariance in the human brain








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