

Su, Ming-Wei 中国科学院被知名学者引用:323人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Leroy E,Hood 美国 Institute for Systems Biology 2003美国医学院院士;1982美国科学院院士;1987拉斯克奖 The geometry of clinical labs and wellness states from deeply phenotyped humans

2. Serpil C,Erzurum 美国 LERNER Research Institute 2017美国医学院院士 A novel DNase assay reveals low DNase activity in severe asthma

3. 梁锦荣 美国 Columbia University 2013美国工程院院士;2020美国医学院院士 Tackling Severe Neutrophilic Inflammation in Airway Disorders with Functionalized Nanosheets

4. Daly, Mark J. 美国 Massachusetts General Hospital 2017美国医学院院士 Analysis across Taiwan Biobank, Biobank Japan, and UK Biobank identifies hundreds of novel loci for ..

5. 徐涛 中国 广州医科大学 中国科学院院士 CYP2C19 Loss-of-Function Variants Associated With Long-Term Ischemic Stroke Events During Clo..

6. 叶玉如 中国 香港科技大学 中国科学院院士;2015美国科学院院士 The role of genetic risk factors of Alzheimer's disease in synaptic dysfunction

7. Davey Smith, George 英国 University of Bristol 2008美国医学院院士 Proteome-wide Mendelian randomization in global biobank meta-analysis reveals multi-ancestry drug ta..

8. McKee, Ann C. 美国 Boston University School of Medicine 2018美国医学院院士 Plasma p-tau181 shows stronger network association to Alzheimer's disease dementia than n..

9. Hildebrandt, Friedhelm 美国 Harvard Medical School 2015美国医学院院士 PKD2 founder mutation is the most common mutation of polycystic kidney disease in Taiwan

10. 董尔丹 中国 北京大学第三医院 中国工程院院士 Roles of Cardiometabolic Factors in Mediating the Causal Effect of Type 2 Diabetes on Cardiovascular..

11. Bateman, Randall J. 美国 Washington University 2020美国医学院院士 The global Alzheimer's Association round robin study on plasma amyloid β methods

12. McDonald, Clement J. 美国 National Library of Medicine 1994美国医学院院士 Semantic integration of clinical laboratory tests from electronic health records for deep phenotypin..

13. Jan-Ake Gustafsson 美国 University of Houston 2002美国科学院院士 Cholesterol-sensing liver X receptors stimulate Th2-driven allergic eosinophilic asthma in mice

14. 贺林 中国 上海交通大学 讲席教授 中国科学院院士 Association studies of genomic variants with treatment response to risperidone, clozapine, quetiapin..

15. 贺林 中国 上海交通大学 讲席教授 中国科学院院士 Association study of UGT1A9 promoter polymorphisms with DILI based on systematically regional variat..

16. Kenneth A,Jacobson 美国 NIH National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Genetic and functional modulation by agonist MRS5698 and allosteric enhancer LUF6000 at the native A..

17. 王署君 中国 台北荣民总医院 A genome-wide association study identifies novel loci of vertigo in an Asian population-based cohort

18. Angela,Simpson 英国 University of Manchester Lung function trajectories from school age to adulthood and their relationship with markers of cardi..

19. Clare S,Murray 英国 University of MANCHESTER Lung function trajectories from school age to adulthood and their relationship with markers of cardi..

20. Roberts, Graham 英国 University of Southampton Lung function trajectories from school age to adulthood and their relationship with markers of cardi..








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