

Kwong, Patrick W. H. 香港理工大学大学被知名学者引用:28人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Alexander T,Sack 荷兰 Maastricht University Theta burst stimulation for enhancing upper extremity motor functions after stroke: a systematic rev..

2. Fay B,Horak 美国 Oregon Health and Science University Balance telerehabilitation and wearable technology for people with Parkinson's disease[TelePD trial]

3. Lauren E,Griffith 加拿大 McMaster University Measuring physical performance in later life: reliability of protocol variations for common performa..

4. Christina,Wolfson 加拿大 McGill University Measuring physical performance in later life: reliability of protocol variations for common performa..

5. Gordon,Guyatt 加拿大 McMaster University Measuring physical performance in later life: reliability of protocol variations for common performa..

6. Raina, Parminder 加拿大 McMaster University Measuring physical performance in later life: reliability of protocol variations for common performa..

7. Luciano,Fadiga 意大利 University of Ferrara Action Observation Therapy for Arm Recovery after Stroke: A Preliminary Investigation on a Novel Pro..

8. 胡令芳 中国 香港中文大学 bilateral movement-based computer games improve sensorimotor functions in subacute stroke survivors:..

9. Alvaro,Pascual-Leone 美国 Hebrew SeniorLife Time to reconcile research findings and clinical practice on upper limb neurorehabilitation

10. Wim,Van Biesen 比利时 Ghent University Hospital The importance of physical performance in the assessment of patients on haemodialysis: A survival an..

11. 林进灯 澳大利亚 University of Technology Sydney Brain Connectivity Changes During Bimanual and Rotated Motor Imagery

12. Roger M,Enoka 美国 University of Colorado Treatment with electrical stimulation of sensory nerves improves motor function and disability statu..

13. Stephen R,Lord 澳大利亚 University of New South Wales Quantifying upper limb motor impairment in chronic stroke: a physiological profiling approach

14. Simon C,Gandevia 澳大利亚 University of New South Wales Quantifying upper limb motor impairment in chronic stroke: a physiological profiling approach

15. Richard W,Bohannon 美国 CAMPBELL University Performance and Clinimetric Properties of the Timed Up From Floor Test Completed by Apparently Healt..

16. Levi J,Hargrove 美国 Northwestern University A Novel Technique to Reject Artifact Components for Surface EMG Signals Recorded During Walking With..

17. Sara,Wilcox 美国 University of South Carolina Integrating Survivors of Stroke Into Exercise-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Improves Endurance and Fu..

18. Theresa A,Jones 美国 University of Texas at Austin Training in a cooperative bimanual skilled reaching task, the popcorn retrieval task, improves unima..

19. Haoyong,Yu 新加坡 National University Singapore An Omnidirectional Assistive Platform Integrated With Functional Electrical Stimulation for Gait Reh..

20. Ramon,Estruch 西班牙 University of Barcelona Genome-Wide Association Study for Serum Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Exploratory..








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