

黄金 中南大学被知名学者引用:239人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 山中伸弥 日本 Kyoto University 2015美国医学院院士;2009拉斯克奖;2011沃尔夫医学奖;2011美国科学院院士;2012诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 Visfatin: A protein secreted by visceral fat that mimics the effects of insulin[Retraction of vol 30..

2. Frank J. Doyle 美国 Harvard University 2016美国医学院院士;2021美国工程院院士 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Improving Glycemic Control in Diabetes: Best Practi..

3. 谢宇 中国 北京大学 2009美国科学院院士 Sexuality in China: A review and new findings

4. De Strooper, Bart 英国 University College London 2022美国医学院院士 From Junk to Function: LncRNAs in CNS Health and Disease

5. 苏国辉 中国 暨南大学 中国科学院院士 Insulin-like growth factor 1 partially rescues early developmental defects caused by SHANK2 knockdow..

6. 宋红军 美国 University of Pennsylvania 2020美国医学院院士 Invited Review: Epigenetics in neurodevelopment

7. Vermund, Sten H. 美国 Yale School of Public Health 2012美国医学院院士 Interventions to improve the HIV continuum of care in China

8. Temmerman, Marleen 肯尼亚 The Aga Khan University 2022美国医学院院士 Is Repeat Abortion a Public Health Problem among Chinese Adolescents? A Cross-Sectional Survey in 30..

9. 康相涛 中国 河南农业大学 2023中国工程院院士 Characterization of the visfatin gene and its expression pattern and effect on 3T3-L1 adipocyte diff..

10. 廖万清 中国 海军军医大学 主任医师 中国工程院院士 Comparison of Sexual Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior between Female Chinese College Students from ..

11. 贾伟平 中国 上海交通大学医学院 2021中国工程院院士 Comparison of thrice-daily premixed insulin (insulin lispro premix) with basal-bolus (insulin glargi..

12. Narayan, K.M. Venkat 美国 Emory University 2016美国医学院院士 Quality of diabetes care in low- and middle-income Asian and Middle Eastern countries (1993-2012)-20..

13. 宁光 中国 上海交通大学医学院 中国工程院院士 Diabetes in China: a societal solution for a personal challenge

14. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 Maternal and neonatal circulating visfatin concentrations in patients with pre-eclampsia and a small..

15. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 Could alterations in maternal plasma visfatin concentration participate in the phenotype definition ..

16. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 Evidence for differential regulation of the adipokine visfatin in the maternal and fetal compartment..

17. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 Visfatin in human pregnancy: maternal gestational diabetes vis-a-vis neonatal birthweight

18. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 Maternal visfatin concentration in normal pregnancy

19. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 Maternal plasma visfatin in preterm labor

20. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 Visfatin/Pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor in amniotic fluid in normal pregnancy, spontaneous labor..








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