

杨煜 上海交通大学医学院被知名学者引用:130人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 赫捷 中国 中国医学科学院 中国科学院院士 Chinese expert consensus on mediastinal lymph node dissection in esophagectomy for esophageal cancer..

2. Prashant,Kesharwani 印度 School Pharmaceut Education & Research Quercetin and its nanoformulations as promising agents for lung cancer treatment: A focus on molecul..

3. Amirhossein,Sahebkar 伊朗 Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Quercetin and its nanoformulations as promising agents for lung cancer treatment: A focus on molecul..

4. Yuko,Kitagawa 日本 Keio University Short-term outcomes of robot-assisted versus conventional minimally invasive esophagectomy: A propen..

5. Sartipy, Ulrik 瑞典 Karolinska Institute Bleeding and long-term survival after lung resections: nationwide observational cohort study

6. 彭成 中国 成都中医药大学 Therapeutic potential of dietary flavonoid hyperoside against non-communicable diseases: targeting u..

7. Morihito,Okada 日本 Hiroshima University Tumor distance from the mediastinum predicts N2 upstaging in clinical stage I lower-lobe non-small c..

8. 崔大祥 中国 上海交通大学 教授 Application of near-infrared fluorescence imaging in theranostics of gastrointestinal tumors

9. 田林玮 中国 香港大学 Overview of Risk Factors for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in China

10. Stephen,Lam 加拿大 University of British Columbia Lung cancer screening-contemporary issues: a narrative review

11. Alessandro,Brunelli 英国 University of Leeds European guidelines for the surgical management of pure ground-glass opacities and part-solid nodule..

12. Eric,Lim 英国 Academy Division Thorac Surgery European guidelines for the surgical management of pure ground-glass opacities and part-solid nodule..

13. CELLI, Bartolome R. 美国 Brigham & Womens Hospital Circulating miR-206 and miR-1246 as Markers in the Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer in Patients with C..

14. Ciro,Casanova 西班牙 University of LA LAGUNA Circulating miR-206 and miR-1246 as Markers in the Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer in Patients with C..

15. Nasser K,Altorki 美国 New York Presbyterian Hospital Ten-Year Survival and Recurrence Patterns After Three-Field Lymph Node Dissection for Squamous Cell ..

16. David,Planchard 法国 Gustave Roussy Outcomes of extended resection for locally advanced thymic malignancies

17. Le Pechoux, Cecile 法国 Institute GUSTAVE ROUSSY Outcomes of extended resection for locally advanced thymic malignancies

18. Benjamin,Besse 法国 Institute GUSTAVE ROUSSY Outcomes of extended resection for locally advanced thymic malignancies

19. Hiroaki,Saito 日本 TOTTORI University Impact of Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Propensity Score-..

20. 陈海泉 中国 复旦大学上海医学院 主任医师 Machine learning to predict occult metastatic lymph nodes along the recurrent laryngeal nerves in th..








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