

栾文康 江苏大学被知名学者引用:126人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 谭蔚泓 中国 中国科学院 中国科学院院士 Empowering Exosomes with Aptamers for Precision Theranostics

2. 唐佩福 中国 解放军总医院 2023中国工程院院士 Exosomes promote hFOB1.19 proliferation and differentiation via LINC00520

3. DeBerardinis, Ralph J. 美国 The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 2020美国医学院院士 Glutaminase isoforms expression switches microRNA levels and oxidative status in glioblastoma cells

4. 范先群 中国 上海交通大学医学院 2021中国工程院院士 A novel LncRNA transcript, RBAT1, accelerates tumorigenesis through interacting with HNRNPL and cis-..

5. 施蕴渝 中国 中国科学技术大学 中国科学院院士 Metabolic and physiological perturbations of Escherichia coli W3100 by bacterial small RNA RyhB

6. 魏于全 中国 四川大学 中国科学院院士 Targeting PI3K in cancer: mechanisms and advances in clinical trials

7. Carlo Maria,Croce 美国 OHIO STATE University 1996美国科学院院士 Loss of miR-204 expression is a key event in melanoma

8. 周东 中国 四川大学 Sarcopenia and cachexia: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic interventions

9. Robert B,Clarke 英国 University of Manchester State of the Art Modelling of the Breast Cancer Metastatic Microenvironment: Where Are We?

10. Michael,Aschner 美国 Yeshiva University The Potential of Targeting Autophagy-Related Non-coding RNAs in the Treatment of Alzheimer's and Par..

11. Hamed,Mirzaei 伊朗 Kashan University Medicine Science The Potential of Targeting Autophagy-Related Non-coding RNAs in the Treatment of Alzheimer's and Par..

12. Azam,Bolhassani 伊朗 Pasteur Institute Iran Pivotal Role of miRNA-lncRNA Interactions in Human Diseases

13. Sunderkoetter, Cord 德国 University of Munster Extracellular vesicles from highly invasive melanoma subpopulations increase the invasive capacity o..

14. 张陆勇 中国 广东药科大学 Dynamic role of exosomal long non-coding RNA in liver diseases: pathogenesis and diagnostic aspects

15. 孔令义 中国 中国药科大学 Exosomes derived from pulmonary metastatic sites enhance osteosarcoma lung metastasis by transferrin..

16. Nihal,Ahmad 美国 University of WISCONSIN Immune escape and metastasis mechanisms in melanoma: breaking down the dichotomy

17. Nima,Rezaei 伊朗 University of Tehran Long non-coding RNA as a potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in melanoma: A systematic rev..

18. Barcelo, Damia 西班牙 University of GIRONA Urine biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease: A new opportunity for wastewater-based epidemiology?

19. Matt,Trau 澳大利亚 University of Queensland Tracking the EMT-like phenotype switching during targeted therapy in melanoma by analyzing extracell..

20. Matthew H,Spitzer 美国 University of California-San Francisco The lncRNA Malat1 inhibits miR-15/16 to enhance cytotoxic T cell activation and memory cell f..








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