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2. Saitoh, Eiichi 日本 Fujita Health University 2020美国医学院院士 Effectiveness of Robotic Devices for Medical Rehabilitation: An Umbrella Review
3. Fary,Khan 澳大利亚 ROYAL MELBOURNE Hospital 2022美国医学院院士 Rehabilitation in adults with burn injury: an overview of systematic reviews
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7. Herndon, David N. 美国 Journal of Burn Care And Research American Burn Association 2018美国医学院院士 Strength and Cardiorespiratory Exercise Rehabilitation for Severely Burned Patients During Intensive..
8. 夏照帆 中国 海军军医大学 主任医师、教授 中国工程院院士 Chinese expert consensus on clinical prevention and treatment of scar[+]
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10. 夏照帆 中国 海军军医大学 主任医师、教授 中国工程院院士 Chinese academic contribution to burns: A comprehensive bibliometrics analysis from 1985 to 2014
11. Herndon, David N. 美国 Journal of Burn Care And Research American Burn Association 2018美国医学院院士 Hypertrophic scarring: the greatest unmet challenge after burn injury
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13. Herndon, David N. 美国 Journal of Burn Care And Research American Burn Association 2018美国医学院院士 Reliable scar scoring system to assess photographs of burn patients
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15. 夏照帆 中国 海军军医大学 主任医师、教授 中国工程院院士 Guidelines for burn rehabilitation in China
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17. Longaker, Michael T. 美国 Stanford University School of Medicine 2007美国医学院院士 Impact of surgical innovation on tissue repair in the surgical patient
18. Longaker, Michael T. 美国 Stanford University School of Medicine 2007美国医学院院士 Mechanotransduction and fibrosis
19. 盛志勇 中国 解放军总医院 中国工程院院士 A brief history of treatment of burn injury in China
20. Herndon, David N. 美国 Journal of Burn Care And Research American Burn Association 2018美国医学院院士 Recommendations on clinical proof of efficacy for potential scar prevention and reduction therapies