

李生慧 上海交通大学医学院被知名学者引用:704人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Michelle L,Bell 美国 Yale University 2020美国医学院院士 Comparison for the effects of different components of temperature variability on mortality: A multi-..

2. Lee, Albert 中国 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2012美国医学院院士 Factors associated with consuming unhealthy food in school children: A population-based study from H..

3. Diez Roux, Ana V. 美国 Drexel University School of Public Health 2009美国医学院院士 Ambient temperature and term birthweight in Latin American cities

4. 张人禾 中国 复旦大学 中国科学院院士 The Effects of Short-Term PM2.5 Exposure on Pulmonary Function among Children with Asthma..

5. 周琪 中国 中国科学院 中国科学院院士 Hyperthermia differentially affects specific human stem cells and their differentiated derivatives

6. Williams, Michelle A. 美国 Harvard School of Public Health 2016美国医学院院士 Poor sleep Quality and Obstructive Sleep Apnea are Associated with Maternal Mood, and Anxiety Disord..

7. Gluckman, Peter D. 新西兰 University of Auckland 2004美国医学院院士 Associations Between Maternal Distress During Early Life Periods and Offspring Respiratory Infection..

8. Perez-Escamilla, Rafael 美国 Yale School of Public Health 2019美国医学院院士 Sleep disturbances in children newly enrolled in elementary school are associated with parenting str..

9. Braveman, Paula A. 美国 University of California, San Francisco 2002美国医学院院士 Explaining the Black-White Disparity in Preterm Birth: A Consensus Statement From a Multi-Disciplina..

10. 陆林 中国 北京大学 教授、主任医师 中国科学院院士 Sleep disturbances during pregnancy and adverse maternal and fetal outcomes: A systematic review and..

11. Grobman, William A. 美国 The Ohio State University 2020美国医学院院士 Objectively assessed sleep-disordered breathing during pregnancy and infant birthweight

12. 沈晓明 中国 上海交通大学医学院 2013美国医学院院士 Associations of sleep characteristics with atopic disease: a cross-sectional study among Chinese ado..

13. Temmerman, Marleen 肯尼亚 The Aga Khan University 2022美国医学院院士 Effect of a mobile phone intervention for female sex workers on unintended pregnancy in Kenya (WHISP..

14. 陈子江 中国 山东大学 中国科学院院士 Increased risk of metabolic dysfunction in children conceived by assisted reproductive technology

15. Romero, Roberto 美国 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2007美国医学院院士 The effects of advanced maternal age on T-cell subsets at the maternal-fetal interface prior to term..

16. 沈晓明 中国 上海交通大学医学院 2013美国医学院院士 Ten-Year Secular Trends in Sleep/Wake Patterns in Shanghai and Hong Kong School-Aged Children: A Tal..

17. 沈晓明 中国 上海交通大学医学院 2013美国医学院院士 The relationship between insomnia symptoms and school performance among 4966 adolescents in Shanghai..

18. 梁卓伟 中国 香港大学 2018美国医学院院士 Sleep Duration and Adiposity in Children and Adults: Observational and Mendelian Randomization Studi..

19. Fallin, M. Daniele 美国 Johns Hopkins University 2023美国医学院院士 Fetal and Infancy Growth Pattern, Cord and Early Childhood Plasma Leptin, and Development of Autism ..

20. 王晓斌 美国 Johns Hopkins University 2018美国医学院院士 Fetal and Infancy Growth Pattern, Cord and Early Childhood Plasma Leptin, and Development of Autism ..








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