

孙宇 上海交通大学医学院被知名学者引用:359人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Bizios,Rena 美国 University of Texas, San Antonio 2015美国医学院院士;2022美国工程院院士 Electrospun composite-coated endotracheal tubes with controlled siRNA and drug delivery to lubricate..

2. 李兰娟 中国 浙江大学 中国工程院院士 Lactobacillus reuteri Ameliorates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury by Modulating the Gut..

3. Deprest, Jan 比利时 University Hospitals KU 2022美国医学院院士 Preclinical evidence for anaesthesia-induced neurotoxicity

4. 陆林 中国 北京大学 教授、主任医师 中国科学院院士 Unique Pharmacology, Brain Dysfunction, and Therapeutic Advancements for Fentanyl Misuse and Abuse

5. 赫捷 中国 中国医学科学院 中国科学院院士 Integrated analysis of single-cell and bulk RNA-sequencing identifies a signature based on B cell ma..

6. Allan I. Basbaum 美国 University of California, San Francisco 2019美国科学院院士;2005美国医学院院士 Pain and itch processing by subpopulations of molecularly diverse spinal and trigeminal projection n..

7. Michael S,Avidan 美国 University of Washington 2023美国医学院院士 Reconceptualising stroke research to inform the question of anaesthetic neurotoxicity

8. Mashour, George A. 美国 University of Michigan 2018美国医学院院士 Reconceptualising stroke research to inform the question of anaesthetic neurotoxicity

9. 魏于全 中国 四川大学 中国科学院院士 Low-dose cisplatin administration to septic mice improves bacterial clearance and programs peritonea..

10. Sérgio Henrique Ferreira 美国 University of Sao Paulo 2002美国科学院院士 heme oxygenase inhibition enhances neutrophil migration into the bronchoalveolar spaces and improves..

11. Britt, Lunzy D. 美国 Eastern Virginia University 2016美国医学院院士 circulating bacterial membrane vesicles cause sepsis in rats

12. Guido,Kroemer 法国 Institut de Cancerologie Gustave Roussy Trial watch: local anesthetics in cancer therapy

13. Joo L,Ong 美国 University of Texas San Antonio Electrospun composite-coated endotracheal tubes with controlled siRNA and drug delivery to lubricate..

14. Takabe, Kazuaki 美国 Roswell Park Cancer Institute The role of lidocaine in cancer progression and patient survival

15. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Marry M. 荷兰 Princess Maxima Center Paediatric oncology A systematic review on safety and surgical and anesthetic risks of elective abdominal laparoscopic s..

16. Takashi,Hashimoto 日本 Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital Atopic Dermatitis Itch: Scratching for an Explanation

17. Gil,Yosipovitch 美国 University of Miami Atopic Dermatitis Itch: Scratching for an Explanation

18. Gil,Yosipovitch 美国 University of Miami Current and emerging drugs for the treatment of pruritus: an update of the literature

19. Ilona,Jaspers 美国 University of North Carolina Surgical smoke and its components, effects, and mitigation: a contemporary review

20. Wan-Wan,Lin 中国 国立台湾大学 CASK Mediates Oxidative Stress-Induced Microglial Apoptosis-Inducing Factor-Independent Parthanatos ..








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