

沈秀华 上海交通大学医学院被知名学者引用:124人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 刘仲华 中国 湖南农业大学 中国工程院院士 Tea consumption in relation with metabolic syndrome and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analys..

2. Lichtveld, Maureen 美国 University of Pittsburgh 2016美国医学院院士 Geographic differences in exposures to metals and essential elements in pregnant women living in Sur..

3. Lutz Birnbaumer 美国 Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina 1995美国科学院院士 TRPC3 Regulates Islet Beta-Cell Insulin Secretion

4. Grobman, William A. 美国 The Ohio State University 2020美国医学院院士 The association between maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain and child adiposity: A r..

5. Alan T. N,Tita 美国 University of ALABAMA 2022美国医学院院士 The association between maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain and child adiposity: A r..

6. 沈洪兵 中国 南京医科大学 中国工程院院士 Umbilical cord serum elementomics of 52 trace elements and early childhood neurodevelopment: Evidenc..

7. Abrams, Barbara 美国 University of California, Berkeley 2011美国医学院院士 Pregnancy weight gain in twin gestations and maternal and child health outcomes at 5 years

8. Sara Naomi,Bleich 美国 Harvard University 2023美国医学院院士 Does Hydration Status Influence Executive Function? A Systematic Review

9. 贾伟平 中国 上海交通大学医学院 2021中国工程院院士 Serum biomarkers combined with ultrasonography for early diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver dise..

10. 徐宝军 中国 北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院 Revealing Molecular Mechanisms of the Bioactive Saponins from Edible Root of Platycodon grandiflo..

11. Moshe,Phillip 以色列 Tel Aviv University Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs treatment in girls with central precocious puberty and early ..

12. Thomas,Lumley 新西兰 University of Auckland Associations Between Gestational Weight Gain, Gestational Diabetes, and Childhood Obesity Incidence

13. Stacie M,Jones 美国 University of Arkansas Food insecurity and allergic diseases: A call to collective action

14. 朱帆 新西兰 University of Auckland Youtiao: Effect of ingredients and processing on quality attributes

15. 王依满 中国 香港大学 Nutritional and Dietary Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Under Conservative and Preservative Kid..

16. Csaba P,Kovesdy 美国 University of Tennessee Nutritional and Dietary Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Under Conservative and Preservative Kid..

17. Giacomo,Garibotto 意大利 University of Genoa Nutritional and Dietary Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Under Conservative and Preservative Kid..

18. Kalantar-Zadeh, Kamyar 美国 University of California-Irvine Nutritional and Dietary Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Under Conservative and Preservative Kid..

19. Soo Young,Kim 韩国 Korea University 2022 Clinical practice guidelines for central precocious puberty of Korean children and adolescents

20. Andrew E,Moran 美国 Columbia University Landscape of team-based care to manage hypertension: results from two surveys in low/middle-income c..








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