1. 沈昌祥 中国 海军计算技术研究所 中国工程院院士 Smart industrial information integration: a lightweight privacy protection model in an intelligent m..
2. 蒋昌俊 中国 同济大学 2021中国工程院院士 VLOG: Vehicle Identity Verification Based on Local and Global Behavior Analysis
3. 尤肖虎 中国 东南大学 2023中国科学院院士 A Cluster-Based V2V Approach for Mixed Data Dissemination in Urban Scenario of IoVs
4. 王云鹏 中国 北京航空航天大学 教授 2021中国工程院院士 PBTM: A Privacy-Preserving Announcement Protocol With Blockchain-Based Trust Management for IoV
5. 蒋昌俊 中国 同济大学 2021中国工程院院士 Crowd-Learning: A Behavior-Based Verification Method in Software-Defined Vehicular Networks With MEC..
6. Sanders,William H. 美国 Carnegie Mellon University 1985美国科学院院士;2023美国工程院院士 Automated Discovery of Cross-Plane Event-Based Vulnerabilities in Software-Defined Networking
7. 张尧学 中国 清华大学 教授 中国工程院院士 Secure Data Aggregation of Lightweight E-Healthcare IoT Devices With Fair Incentives
8. 张宏科 中国 北京交通大学 2021中国工程院院士 Improving the Security of Wireless Communications on High-Speed Trains by Efficient Authentication i..
9. 何德彪 中国 武汉大学 教授 A Threshold-Based Full-Decentralized Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for VANETs Powered by C..
10. Das, Ashok Kumar 印度 International Institute Informat technology BTC2PA: A Blockchain-Assisted Trust Computation With Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication f..
11. Kim-Kwang Raymond,Choo 美国 University of Texas at San Antonio TMAS: A transaction misbehavior analysis scheme for blockchain
12. Das, Ashok Kumar 印度 International Institute Informat technology Provably Secure and Lightweight Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Fog-Based Vehicular Ad..
13. Mohsen,Guizani 卡塔尔 Qatar University Healthcare Internet of Things: Security Threats, Challenges, and Future Research Directions
14. 廖晓峰 中国 重庆大学 教授 Practical cloud storage auditing using serverless computing
15. Sudeep,Tanwar 印度 Nirma University V2XCom: Lightweight and secure message dissemination scheme for Internet of vehicles
16. Mohsen,Guizani 卡塔尔 Qatar University Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)-Survey of Current Applications, Evolution, and Future Directions
17. 祝烈煌 中国 北京理工大学 教授 Blockchain-Based Dynamic Time-Encapsulated Data Auditing for Outsourcing Storage
18. Hancke, Gerhard P. 中国 香港城市大学 A Scheme for Distributed Vehicle Authentication and Revocation in Decentralized VANETs
19. 祝烈煌 中国 北京理工大学 教授 CrossAAD: Cross-Chain Abnormal Account Detection
20. 张真诚 中国 台湾逢甲大学 Certificateless Public Auditing for Cloud-Based Medical Data in Healthcare Industry 4.0