

经翔 天津市第三中心医院被知名学者引用:338人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. David J. Mooney 美国 Harvard University 2010美国工程院院士;2013美国医学院院士 Self-Healing Injectable Hydrogels for Tissue Regeneration

2. Nicholas A. Peppas 美国 The University of Texas 2006美国工程院院士;2008美国医学院院士 Hydrogel-guided strategies to stimulate an effective immune response for vaccine-based cancer immuno..

3. Clavien, Pierre-Alain 瑞士 University Hospital of Zurich 2020美国医学院院士 Modern therapeutic approaches for the treatment of malignant liver tumours

4. 李兰娟 中国 浙江大学 中国工程院院士 Comparative efficacy of treatment strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma: systematic review and net..

5. 夏宁邵 中国 厦门大学 2023中国工程院院士 Detection of HBV Covalently Closed Circular DNA

6. 卞修武 中国 陆军军医大学 中国科学院院士 miR-320a functions as a suppressor for gliomas by targeting SND1 and beta-catenin, and predicts the ..

7. 郑树森 中国 浙江大学 中国工程院院士 Prognostic significance of regulatory T lymphocytes in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

8. 陈孝平 中国 华中科技大学 中国科学院院士 Therapeutic efficacy of percutaneous microwave coagulation versus liver resection for single hepatoc..

9. Howard Y. Chang 美国 Stanford University 2017美国医学院院士;2020美国科学院院士 LncRNA-HIT Functions as an Epigenetic Regulator of Chondrogenesis through Its Recruitment of p100/CB..

10. Fong, Yuman 美国 City of Hope Medical Center 2021美国医学院院士 The Evolution of Liver-Directed Treatments for Hepatic Colorectal Metastases

11. Annalisa,Berzigotti 瑞士 University of Bern Clinical impact of CEUS on non-characterizable observations and observations with intermediate proba..

12. Paul S,Sidhu 英国 Kings College London Clinical impact of CEUS on non-characterizable observations and observations with intermediate proba..

13. Claude B,Sirlin 美国 University of California San Diego Performance of LI-RADS category 5 vs combined categories 4 and 5: a systemic review and meta-analysi..

14. 李梢 中国 清华大学 长聘教授 Artificial intelligence in liver imaging: methods and applications

15. Bachir,Taouli 美国 ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI Imaging-based non-invasive liver disease assessment for staging liver fibrosis in chronic liver dise..

16. Levine, Deborah 美国 Harvard University Imaging-based non-invasive liver disease assessment for staging liver fibrosis in chronic liver dise..

17. Murad, Mohammad Hassan 美国 Mayo Clinic - Rochester Imaging-based non-invasive liver disease assessment for staging liver fibrosis in chronic liver dise..

18. Richard K,Sterling 美国 Virginia Commonwealth University Imaging-based non-invasive liver disease assessment for staging liver fibrosis in chronic liver dise..

19. Levine, Deborah 美国 Harvard University Accuracy of blood-based biomarkers for staging liver fibrosis in chronic liver disease: A systematic..

20. Murad, Mohammad Hassan 美国 Mayo Clinic - Rochester Accuracy of blood-based biomarkers for staging liver fibrosis in chronic liver disease: A systematic..








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