

刘娇 福建中医药大学被知名学者引用:312人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 朱立国 中国 中国中医科学院 2023中国工程院院士 Baduanjin exercise: A potential promising therapy toward osteoporosis

2. Michael I,Posner 美国 University of Oregon 1988美国医学院院士;1981美国科学院院士 Effortless training of attention and self-control: mechanisms and applications

3. Guillermina,Lozano 美国 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 2017美国科学院院士;2014美国医学院院士 MDMX acts as a pervasive preleukemic-to-acute myeloid leukemia transition mechanism

4. Thayer, Julian F. 美国 University of California, Irvine 2023美国医学院院士 International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research..

5. Bruce R,Rosen 美国 Harvard University 2010美国医学院院士 Impaired mesocorticolimbic connectivity underlies increased pain sensitivity in chronic low back pai..

6. Bruce R,Rosen 美国 Harvard University 2010美国医学院院士 Acupuncture Treatment Modulates the Connectivity of Key Regions of the Descending Pain Modulation an..

7. Lane, Nancy E. 美国 University of California, Davis Health System 2013美国医学院院士 Society for translational medicine-expert consensus on the treatment of osteoarthritis

8. 张英泽 中国 河北医科大学 中国工程院院士 Society for translational medicine-expert consensus on the treatment of osteoarthritis

9. 石学敏 中国 天津中医药大学 中国工程院院士 Acupuncture with reinforcing and reducing twirling manipulation inhibits hippocampal neuronal apopto..

10. Hsieh, Ching-Liang 中国 台湾中国医药大学 Acupuncture improves neurological function and anti-inflammatory effect in patients with acute ische..

11. Robert,Whelan 爱尔兰 Trinity College Dublin Greater physical fitness (VO2max) in healthy older adults associated with increased integ..

12. Ian H,Robertson 爱尔兰 Trinity College Dublin Greater physical fitness (VO2max) in healthy older adults associated with increased integ..

13. 王延江 中国 陆军军医大学 主任医师 Crosstalk between bone and brain in Alzheimer's disease: Mechanisms, applications, and perspectives

14. Richard,Ohrbach 美国 State University of New York at Buffalo Perspective: Advancing the science regarding temporomandibular disorders

15. Altenmueller, Eckart 德国 Hannover University Mus Drama & Media Randomized controlled trials of non-pharmacological interventions for healthy seniors: Effects on co..

16. Egidio,D'Angelo 意大利 University of Pavia New clues for the role of cerebellum in schizophrenia and the associated cognitive impairment

17. 陈亮恭 中国 台北荣民总医院 Consensus Paper: Cerebellum and Ageing

18. 李湄珍 中国 香港大学 Consensus Paper: Cerebellum and Ageing

19. Jeremy D,Schmahmann 美国 Harvard University Consensus Paper: Cerebellum and Ageing

20. Vecsei, Laszlo 匈牙利 University of Szeged From Lab to Life: Exploring Cutting-Edge Models for Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders








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