1. Barry J,Marshall 中国 四川大学 2002美国医学院院士;1995拉斯克奖;2005诺贝尔生理学或医学奖;2008美国科学院院士 Structural, biomechanical and hemodynamic assessment of the bladder wall in healthy subjects
2. 张旭 中国 解放军总医院 2021中国科学院院士 Suitability of the MP1000 Platform for Robot-assisted Prostatectomy: A Prospective Randomised Contro..
3. Ameer, Guillermo A. 美国 Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 2021美国医学院院士 Multipotent bone marrow cell-seeded polymeric composites drive long-term, definitive urinary bladder..
4. Anthony J.,Atala 美国 Wake Forest University 2011美国医学院院士 Body fluid-derived stem cells - an untapped stem cell source in genitourinary regeneration
5. Colditz, Graham A. 美国 Washington University School of Medicine 2006美国医学院院士 Association between Presurgical Weight Status and Urinary and Sexual Function in Prostate Cancer Pat..
6. 孙颖浩 中国 海军军医大学 中国工程院院士 The characteristics and risk factors of healthcare-seeking men with lower urinary tract symptoms in ..
7. 张旭 中国 解放军总医院 2021中国科学院院士 Frequency-Dependent Effects on Bladder Reflex by Saphenous Nerve Stimulation and a Possible Action M..
8. 李路明 中国 清华大学 教授 2023中国科学院院士 Management of Intractable Pain in Patients With Implanted Spinal Cord Stimulation Devices During the..
9. 孙颖浩 中国 海军军医大学 中国工程院院士 Current status and progression of lower urinary tract symptoms in Chinese male patients: the protoco..
10. 田志刚 中国 中国科学技术大学 研究员 中国工程院院士 Technical Improvement and Application of Hydrodynamic Gene Delivery in Study of Liver Diseases
11. 王迎军 中国 华南理工大学 教授 中国工程院院士 The stimulation of the differentiation of pheochromocytoma (PC12-L) cells into neuron-like cells by ..
12. Mark T,Nelson 美国 University of VERMONT 2019美国科学院院士 Transient contractions of urinary bladder smooth muscle are drivers of afferent nerve activity durin..
13. 赵强 中国 南京邮电大学 Red/near-infrared light triggered photorelease via sensitized photolysis
14. Roger R,Dmochowski 美国 VANDERBILT University Is Our Limited Understanding of the Effects of Nerve Stimulation Resulting in Poor Outcomes and the ..
15. Nine V.A.M,Knoers 荷兰 Utrecht University International expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of congenital nephrogenic d..
16. Ewout J,Hoorn 荷兰 University of Medicine Center Rotterdam International expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of congenital nephrogenic d..
17. Bockenhauer, Detlef 英国 GREAT ORMOND ST Hospital SICK CHILDREN International expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of congenital nephrogenic d..
18. Daniel G,Bichet 加拿大 University of MONTREAL International expert consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of congenital nephrogenic d..
19. Jean-Nicolas,Cornu 法国 Pierre and Marie Curie University Summary Paper on Underactive Bladder from the European Association of Urology Guidelines on Non-neur..
20. Cosimo,De Nunzio 意大利 Sapienza University of Rome Summary Paper on Underactive Bladder from the European Association of Urology Guidelines on Non-neur..