

Segura, Gary M. University of California被知名学者引用:114人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. A. Stewart,Fotheringham 美国 Arizona State University 2013美国科学院院士 Scale, Context, and Heterogeneity: A Spatial Analytical Perpective on the 2016 US Presidential Elect..

2. Diana C. Mutz 美国 University of Pennsylvania 2021美国科学院院士 The Face of American Government: Effects of Racial and Ethnic Firsts on Minority Perceptions of Gove..

3. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Somos Mas: How Racial Threat and Anger Mobilized Latino Voters in the Trump Era

4. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Who's the Party of the People? Economic Populism and the U.S. Public's Beliefs About Political Parti..

5. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Latino Public Opinion & Realigning the American Electorate

6. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Generational Status and Mexican American Political Participation: The Benefits and Limitations of As..

7. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Hope, Tropes, and Dopes: Hispanic and White Racial Animus in the 2008 Election

8. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Latino Lives in America: Making It Home

9. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Race and the recall: Racial and ethnic polarization in the California recall election

10. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Commentary on "Citizens by Choice, Voters by Necessity: Patterns in Political Mobilization by Natura..

11. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 All politics are still local: The Iraq war and the 2006 midterm elections

12. Samuel H. Preston 美国 University of Pennsylvania 1991美国医学院院士;1987美国科学院院士 Mortality of American troops in the Iraq war

13. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Su Casa Es Nuestra Casa: Latino politics research and the development of American political science

14. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Earthquakes and aftershocks: Race, direct democracy, and partisan change

15. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Comparative ethnic politics in the United States: Beyond black and white

16. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 The mobilizing effect of majority-minority districts on Latino turnout

17. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Fear and loathing in California: Contextual threat and political sophistication among Latino voters

18. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Presidential approval and the mixed blessing of divided government

19. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Race, casualties, and opinion in the Vietnam War

20. Segura, Gary M. 美国 University of California 2023美国科学院院士 Midterm elections and divided government: An information-driven theory of electoral volatility








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