1. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 The Roles of the Moss Layer in Mediating Tree Seedling Environmental Stress, Mercury Exposure, and R..
2. Charles T. Driscoll, Jr. 美国 Syracuse University 2007美国工程院院士 The Roles of the Moss Layer in Mediating Tree Seedling Environmental Stress, Mercury Exposure, and R..
3. 朱教君 中国 中国科学院 2023中国工程院院士 Regeneration and succession: A 50-year gap dynamic in temperate secondary forests, Northeast China
4. Scott V. Edwards 美国 Harvard University 2015美国科学院院士 Conceptual and empirical advances in Neotropical biodiversity research
5. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 Mishkos Kenomagwen, the Lessons of Grass: Restoring Reciprocity with the Good Green Earth
6. Douglas L. Medin 美国 Northwestern University 2005美国科学院院士 If Indigenous Peoples Stand with the Sciences, Will Scientists Stand with Us?
7. F. Stuart, III,Chapin 美国 University of ALABAMA 2004美国科学院院士 Ecological Knowledge Among Communities, Managers and Scientists: Bridging Divergent Perspectives to ..
8. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 Influence of overstory removal on growth of epiphytic mosses and lichens in western Oregon
9. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 Patterns of dispersal and establishment of bryophytes colonizing natural and experimental treefall m..
10. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 Size of Acer saccharum hosts does not influence growth of mature bryophyte gametophytes in Adirondac..
11. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 Forest age and management effects on epiphytic bryophyte communities in Adirondack northern hardwood..
12. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 Bryophyte species richness on insular boulder habitats: The effect of area, isolation, and microsite..
13. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 Effect of gap size and regeneration niche on species coexistence in bryophyte communities
14. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 the role of slugs in dispersal of the asexual propagules of dicranum flagellare
15. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 ecological consequences of sexual versus asexual reproduction in dicranum-flagellare and tetraphis-p..
16. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 disturbance and dominance in tetraphis-pellucida - a model of disturbance frequency and reproductive..
17. Mary Eleanor Power 美国 University of California, Berkeley 2012美国科学院院士 top-down and bottom-up forces in food webs - do plants have primacy
18. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 reproductive ecology of tetraphis-pellucida .2. differential success of sexual and asexual propagule..
19. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 reproductive ecology of tetraphis-pellucida .1. population-density and reproductive mode
20. Kimmerer, Robin W. 美国 State University of New York 2023美国科学院院士 environmental determinants of spatial pattern in the vegetation of pb-zn mines in southwestern wisco..